Call for Papers
AFRICA IN DIALOGUE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of The Pan-African Dialogue Institute
Editors: Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha, Effiong Joseph Udo, Mary A. Nyangweso, Emmanuel J. Zwanbin, Cosmas Ebo Sarbah
The Pan-African Dialogue Institute is pleased to call for original researched papers for publications in its journal: AFRICA IN DIALOGUE – An Interdisciplinary Journal of The Pan-African Dialogue Institute. The Journal offers a platform for sharing of research on a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to science and innovation, religion, sociology, economy, politics, peace and security, law and human rights, communication, and education as well as history, environment and health, etc. Importantly, the Journal commits to closing the vacuum in the intellectual landscape that frequently ignores or marginalizes the African agency and ideals of Pan-Africanism. By disseminating research analysis and viewpoints from academics, civil society leaders, and decision-makers in Africa and the diaspora, the Journal seeks to advance the traditional wisdom, unity, pride, and cultural heritage of the continent. We anticipate that authors would examine how Pan-Africanism defines and shapes developmental policies and practices as well as socioeconomic and political discourse at local, national and supranational levels. Papers should examine the different dimensions of Pan-Africanism, explore practical, empirical and theoretical aspects of this principle for policy research and development in Africa. It will be interesting to learn how multilateral dialogue can foster deeper engagement and departure from the conflictual and competitive approach to African unity.

Papers are expected to cover, but not limited to the following themes:
• Pan-Africanism: historical and contemporary perspectives
• Dialogue, Pan-Africanism and regional integration
• The African Union and Pan-Africanism
• Pan-Africanism and policy research in Africa
• African think tanks and policy research focus in Africa
• Pan-Africanism and social justice movements in Africa
• Pan-Africanism and dialogic approaches to conflict, security and peace in Africa
• Pan-Africanism, governance and economic development in Africa
• Pan-Africanism and gender transactions and developments in Africa
• Pan-Africanism and the African youth capacity and development
• Challenges and prospects of Pan-Africanism in the 21st century, etc.
• Pan-Africanism, neocolonialism, and African agency
• African identity, and knowledge systems for development, etc.
Guidelines for Submission
All authors submitting papers to AFRICA IN DIALOGUE are expected to comply with the following guidelines:
• Papers must have an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract should state the purpose of the paper, method of research, findings and conclusion / recommendation.
• Length of manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words or 20 pages with references that must include the works of Pan-African intellectuals.
• Manuscripts must not have been submitted to another academic platform for publication.
• Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format; Times New Roman, 12-point font and double line spacing.
• The referencing style acceptable is Chicago Style.
• When abstract is accepted, authors will be asked to submit a draft paper. Submitted papers will undergo peer review and feedback provided to the authors.
Important Dates & Publication Details
• Submission of abstracts: Anytime.
• Submission of draft paper: After editorial response to your abstract.
• Information on reviewed paper: Anytime
• Peer Review Fee – $10
• Publication Fee – Nil
• Publishers – University of Ghana Press. It will also be accessed on African Journal Online (AJOL)
• Publication Cycle: June and December
Method of Submission
• Send your paper by using the button below or via email: – and
• For more information, please contact the editorial team at