Pan-Africanism: Dialoguing the Past, Present and Future
1000-Seater Capacity TETFUND Hall, Main Campus, Nwaniba Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
May 23-26, 2024
Professor P.L.O Lumumba (Nairobi, Kenya)
Prof. Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha (DR Congo/USA), Prof. Mary Nyangweso (Kenya/USA), Prof. Emmanuel Akpabio (Nigeria), Amb. Daniel Guttierez (Rep. of Belize), Prof. Joseph Ushie (Nigeria), Dr. Donatus Ukpong (Nigeria), Prof. Chris Ekong (Nigeria), Prof. Peter Esu (Nigeria), Dr. Jean-Louis Ikambana (USA), Prof. Aniekan Brown (Nigeria), Prof. Mojisola Iseyin (Nigeria), Prof. Gabriel Umoh (Nigeria), among others.
The Pan-African Dialogue Institute, in Collaboration with Faculty of Arts, Directorate of International Programs and Centre for Deep Dialogue and Critical Thinking, University of Uyo, Nigeria, invites scholars, graduate students, African thought leaders and professionals in all fields of human endeavor, to the First International Conference on Dialogue and Pan-Africanism.
By the conference theme, “Pan-Africanism: Dialoguing the past, Present and Future”, we hope to understand the trajectories of development in the continent from the lens of Pan-Africanism. The transformation of the lingering social, political and economic impasse in the continent requires the critical evaluation of African professionals toward the achievement of stability, peace, harmony, and freedom. Hence, presenters at the conference are invited to investigate and evaluate the pace and texture of development of African nations, states, and communities against the threshold of Pan-Africanism. Authors should endeavor to probe the different theories, philosophies or ideologies that have been adopted and embraced by key players to drive developmental efforts in the continent. Importantly too, the conference aims to advance African moral, social, economic and political philosophies, indigenous systems and innovations in a bid to propel the continent towards identifying African solutions to African problems.
- Pan-Africanism, Religious and Philosophical Factors for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Youth Capacity for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Business, Arts and Culture for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Peace, Reconciliation and Security Models for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Politics, Governance and Foreign Relations for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Education and Human Capital Development
- Pan-Africanism, Gender and Women Opportunities and Challenges for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Sustainable Development – Science and Innovation
- Pan-Africanism, Communication, Media and ICT for Development
- Pan-Africanism, Law and Human Rights Factors for Development.
Abstract: Abstracts of 200 words or less should be sent as attached Microsoft Word files to tpadi.conference@uniuyo.edu.ng or conference@africadialogue.org on or before March 31, 2024. The author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, and contact phone number should be provided under the proposed paper title before the abstract. Successful abstracts will be announced by April 20, 2024. Completed papers are required no later than May 10, 2024.
Format: The conference presentation format shall be in-person and virtual.
Conference Fees
- TPADI members outside Africa: $200
- Participants from outside Africa: $250
- Africa-based TPADI members: $50
- Nigeria-based scholars (non-members): N25,000
- Nigeria-based TPADI members: N15,000
- Nigeria-based student participants: N10,000
Prospective participants can complete their registration and payment of applicable conference fee here.
Contact Info:
The Pan-African Dialogue Institute, Directorate of International Programmes, University of Uyo, Nigeria. Email: conference@africadialogue.org or tpadi@uniuyo.edu.ng
Panel Chair: Jean-Louis Ikambana, Ph.D
Director, Commission on African Politics, Governance, and International Relations
Introduction: The profile of Africa is rising, and is receiving attention from Europe, America, China and Russia as each seeks to strategically position themselves geopolitically as key players and partners in Africa. Could this be regarded as good news for the African continent? Aren’t big powers, and indeed all states, keen to protect and promote their interests? In what ways could the realignment from global powers seeking partnership with Africa benefit the continent? As the world order increasingly moves towards multipolarity, what does this mean for Africa? This panel aims to interrogate the contemporary strategic position of Africa in an increasingly multipolar world. Panelists are welcome to approach these issues from various theoretical dimensions but the pan-African principle has to drive the conversation.
Panel Chair: Mary Nyangweso, Ph.D
Director/Chair: Commission on African Women and Gender
Introduction: A Peak into the history of Pan-Africanism and its icons reveals significant gendered contours. As Pan-Africanism calls for global solidarity and cooperation towards addressing racial and colonial oppression, the contribution of the female gender has often been overlooked, obscured, or silenced. This panel seeks to highlight gendered dimensions of Pan-Africanism towards centralizing the contributions of women in social movements. Presenters are invited to reflect upon an aspect of gender that informs Pan-Africanism.
Panel Chair: Gabriel Udoh, Ph.D Cand.(Germany)
Director/Chair: Commission on Law and Human Rights
Introduction: The intersection of technology and regulatory frameworks has ushered in a transformative era across the globe, offering unprecedented opportunities for development and progress. However, as these technological advancements and regulatory models are transplanted into African nations, a nuanced discourse has emerged, questioning the potential ramifications and echoing concerns of a new face of colonialism. How has the continent grappled with the legacies of colonial rule, and the infusion of external technological norms? In what manner could African countries strike a balance while navigating the adoption of foreign technologies and regulatory paradigms and be cautious amid fears that this transfer may inadvertently perpetuate imbalances of power and influence? How can we ensure Africa participates and benefits from innovation as well as be satisfied that technological integration aligns with the aspirations and autonomy of African societies? Paper presenters are invited to dialogue these issues from the pan-African perspective.
Panel Chair: Professor Mutombo Nkulu-N’Sengha, California State University Northridge (in Los Angeles) and Director, Commission on General Education and Pan-African Literacy
Introduction: Throughout human history, education remains the fundamental key to the kingdom of well-being and prosperity. At the same time, forces of subjugation have used education to alienate and colonize the mind of the oppressed people. Africa often evokes the paradox of a rich continent where poverty reigns supreme. The massive exodus of young Africans drowning in the Mediterranean Sea in their attempt to run away from Africa and go to Europe points to the dire situation of our Continent at the present time. About one hundred years after formal colonial occupation, Africans still remain some of the poorest people on the planet, while living in a continent endowed with vast natural resources so central to the global economy. It has been said that “Africans have become capitalists without capital and nationalists without nation.” As for the economic situation, “Africans largely consume what they do not produce and produce what they do not consume.” The question before us is what kind of education does Africa need in order to overcome neocolonialism? This panel intends to explore the root causes of the tragic African predicament by reflecting on the legacy of colonial education in order to chart the course for a new type of education that can stimulate a genuine African Renaissance. In so doing, the panel will address issues pertaining to the decolonization of the mind and the revival of our ancestral values of human dignity and solidarity.
Panel Chair: Joseph Habamahirwe (PhD Cand.(Belgium)
Director: African Peace and Reconciliation Commission
Introduction: Despite the commitments of the African Union and United Nations to bring about peace in African conflict zones, participation in peacebuilding processes has remained largely exclusive and elitist, as these processes exclude women, youth, and communities affected by conflicts. How can we leverage the ideology of Pan-Africanism to promote inclusive participation for positive peace? Panelists are invited to reflect on the pan-African understanding of conflict and peace, and building of socially cohesive societies. Since it is a truism that everyone needs peace everyone must participate in building peace. Presenters are expected to highlight case studies of inclusive/exclusive peacebuilding processes.
Panel Chair: Spiros A Lazaris P.E., MSCE, MPA, mASCE, ENV SP
Director/Chair: Commission on Sustainable Development, Technology, and Innovation
Introduction: The challenges posed by climate change in Africa are complex and highly multifaceted, affecting agriculture, water resources food supplies, health, and various ecosystems. The issue of climate change is exacerbated on the African continent because of its reliance to rain-fed crops and agriculture. Global warming will result in extreme weather events such as rising sea levels, loss of livelihoods and conflicts of migration to name a few. Panelists are invited to reflect on the Pan-African understanding of the concept of climate change while offering and or suggesting African solutions as opposed to solutions practiced in the highly industrialized nations. The African youth will be the recipient of the results of climate change where the continued growth of the greenhouse emissions would lead to a global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. Therefore, this is where Pan-Africanism will rise within every African child to lead this transformation and save the African planet.
Panel Chair: Dr John Peter Bwire (Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya)
Director/Chair: Director /Chair: Commission on Religions and African philosophy.
Introduction: Pan Africanism right from its inception has had a consistent focus on African solidarity, peace, and unity inspired by traditional religions and philosophy of African people. With the introduction of new religions such as Christianity and Islam, how complex has the African religious and philosophical landscape been? What has been the contributions have religions and philosophy made to the wellbeing of the African people in the past, present and will make in future? Panelists are invited to investigate these and similar issues, and bring to the fore contributions and challenges religions and philosophy have made in the history and development the Pan Africanism agenda. It will be interesting to examine the role of religious leaders/theologians to Pan African movement. Presenters are also to dissect the relationship between religion and Pan Africanism for a united Africa in the midst of religious diversity and pluralism.
Panel Chair: Prudence Murisi, MBA
Director/Chair: Commission on African Society, Business, Arts and Culture.
Introduction: The idea of Pan-Africanism has been with us for centuries and has evolved and transformed over time. But what does it mean for us in the 21st century? How can it be used as a tool for positive change? In the forthcoming conference, presenters are invited to explore the potential of Pan-Africanism to transform society through business, arts, and culture. Let’s examine the ways in which this transformation can take place, and the challenges and opportunities that come with it. There is power in Pan-Africanism to catalyze the transformation of African societies through business, arts, and culture. Join us to explore.
Panel Chair: Nyesiga Agatha
Director/Chair: Commission on African Youth Capacity and Development
Introduction: With 70% of its population being under the age of 30, Africa has a relatively young population that has to be effectively mobilized for good ends. The vibrancy and resourcefulness of African youth is evidenced in technological innovations, execution of community-based projects, political revolutions as well as scientific discoveries, etc. How has the resourcefulness of the youth benefited the continent in the past, presently and would benefit the continent in future? What is the future of Pan-Africanism without the youth? Panelists are invited to submit papers that address the capacity of the African youth toward the growth and sustainability of Pan-Africanism.
Panel Chair: Mary Nyangweso, Ph.D
Director/Chair: Commission on African Women and Gender
Introduction: A Peak into the history of Pan-Africanism and its icons reveals significant gendered contours. As Pan-Africanism calls for global solidarity and cooperation towards addressing racial and colonial oppression, the contribution of the female gender has often been overlooked, obscured, or silenced. This panel seeks to highlight gendered dimensions of Pan-Africanism towards centralizing the contributions of women in social movements. Presenters are invited to reflect upon an aspect of gender that informs Pan-Africanism.