Effiong J. Udo, Ph.D
A Senior Research Fellow, Dialogue Institute at Temple University, Philadelphia, United States of America, and Deputy Director, Centre for Deep Dialogue and Critical Thinking, University of Uyo, Nigeria. Dr. Udo is also a KAICIID International Dialogue Fellow, Vienna, Austria. He serves this Institute as the President. Emails: eju@africadialogue.org; effiongjudo@uniuyo.edu.ng
Jean-Louis Peta Ikambana, Ph.D
(Political Science; Temple University, Philadelphia, USA); Chief Evaluation and Compliance Officer; Friendship Place, Washington, DC; USA. Dr. Ikambana is a dedicated professional with extensive experience in nonprofit program design and management, human rights education, community organizing, education, democracy, youth civic engagement, and social justice advocacy. At the core of his social justice engagement are his Ignatian vision to be “a person at the service of others” and his unwavering commitment to human dignity. He is the recipient of the 2010 Community Human Rights Award presented by the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area; 2014 President’s Volunteer Service Award and the 2016 Edward O’Brien Award of Human Rights Educators USA, and 2017 Community Human Rights Award from the US Human Rights Network. Email: jeanlouisikambana@gmail.com
Elizabeth Hoorn Petersen, Ph.D
Elizabeth Hoorn Petersen born and bred on the Cape Flats, holds a doctorate in Philosophy of Religious & Theological studies from the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa. She is founder and Executive Director of the South African Faith and Family Institute (SAFFI) – a multi-faith non-profit est. in 2008 that seeks to strengthen the capacity of religious leaders and faith communities as they assist individuals and families vulnerable to and afflicted by gender-based violence (GBV). Her Master’s Degree in Social Work obtained from UWC, explored the challenges that clergy experience in addressing domestic violence. Elizabeth’s extensive work in the GBV sector since 1993, her faith commitment, church leadership and her inter-religious work experience with faith leaders across various religions (ATR, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Bahaí, Buddhist, and Brahma Kumaris, etc.), and various Christian denominations, enables her to bring these sectors together to critically engage the faith dimensions of GBV. She promotes the advancement of faith and culture as critical resources in the quest to prevent and eradicate GBV. She advances the cultivation of Ubuntu in intimate relationships and public leadership. Her influence reaches across religious and non-religious sectors in South Africa, the African continent and internationally. Elizabeth is a Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship alumni from the Hubert Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, USA. She served on various boards including St. Anne’s Homes (est. in 1904 it is the oldest shelter for women survivors of GBV in South Africa), and the Inclusive and Affirming Ministries (IAM is a faith-based LGBTIQ+ non-profit). Currently Elizabeth serves as founding board member and trustee of the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice at UWC. Email: elizabeth@saffi.org.za
Mutombo Nkulu-Nsengha, Ph.D
A Professor of Religion at California State University, Northridge, United States of America, where he teaches among others, “Religion, Logic, and Media,” “American Religious Diversity,” “World Religions,” “African Traditional Religions in Africa and the American Diaspora,” “Liberation theology,” and “Religion, Violence and Peace” since 2003. Before joining CSUN, he taught African Philosophy at Haverford College in Philadelphia and “Western Intellectual Heritage” at Temple University in Philadelphia. Professor Mutombo is by training a Philosopher, an Egyptologist and a Theologian. He also received a strong training in “African American Studies” in Philadelphia. Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Prof. Mutombo received his Academic Education in Africa, Europe and the United States of America where he has been living since 1993. He is the founder and Director of the “Bumuntu Peace Institute”; and serves this Institute as Vice President and Director of Programs and Development. Email: mutombo.nkulu-sengha@csun.edu.
Spiros Lazaris, PE, MSCE, MPA, mASCE, ENV- SP
Spiros Lazaris is a Zimbawean born, American citizen, Construction Engineer and faculty member of California State Unversity, Northridge, United States of America. He is the founder of the Congo Revival Initiative, a development wing of the Bumuntu Peace Institute. He works with an advisory board consisting of Congolese and American academicians and professional experts in the engineering and construction industries to provide sustainable infrastructure in the D.R. Congo. His overall objective is to foster sustainable development in the sub-Saharan Africa. Spiros is the founder and managing principal of Spiros Lazaris Engineered Solutions L.L.C. that provides specialized consulting services for public infrastructure used for the conveyance of people, vehicles, basic energy and commerce. Spiros brings years of professional engineering experience and knowledge to sustainable development projects in Africa. Email: spiros.a.lazaris@gmail.com
Geoffrey Manasseh
Geoffrey is a Country Coordinator of United Religious Initiative (URI) in Malawi. He is the technical advisor of Wildlife and Natural Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation Trust (WNRCRT); a consultant and co-founder of Nkhudzi Bay Utale Club (NBUC) in Malawi, and the Assistant Director of Interfaith and Intercultural Leadership Skills Association in Malawi. Geoffrey is responsible for mentoring and guiding youth to achieve their goals, operate and coordinate cultural preservation, leadership and interfaith dialogue, peacekeeping and holds capacity building training for youth as students on personal development and youth empowerment. Email: gmannaseh@gmail.com
Teshome Mengesha Marra
Teshome Marra is a Rotary Peace Fellow of Makerere University Rotary center and a researcher, trainer, educator, and consultant in the field of peace, conflict, and security. He holds an international joint MA in Global Studies with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa from Leipzig University, Germany. He also holds an MA in Human Resources and Organizational Development in Education from Addis Ababa University. He also earns a postgraduate Diploma in Peacebuilding and conflict transformation from Makerere University, Uganda under the full scholarship program of the Rotary International Peace Fellowship program. He worked for more than 20 years in public, private, and NGOs in the areas of National dialogue, Electoral violence management, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and security analysis. Currently, he is perusing a Ph.D. in political science specializing in African studies with research focusing on the cross-border conflict in the Horn of Africa at the University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, and Science Po Bordeaux, France. |

Chukwu Patrick Ifeanyi
Patrick is a software engineer that works a the intersection of Social Impactt, Education and Tech. He has a knack for driving impactful project leveraging his skill set and experience working with both for-profit and non profit ventures.
Rejoice Makaudze, Ph.D
Rejoice Makaudze holds a PhD in Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, a Master of Arts in Peace and Governance from Africa University, Zimbabwe and a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Africa University, Zimbabwe as well. She was awarded the Kingdom Bank Price and the Certificate of Excellency as the best graduating student in Peace Studies. She was also awarded the Meaning-Making Research Initiative Grant by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Under the grant, she led a multi-year research project on child prostitution in Zimbabwe and published two chapters as outputs of the project. She worked as a Field Researcher with the Mass Public Opinion Institute. She also led research projects with various institutions in Africa. She is currently an independent researcher whose work focuses on peace, conflict, governance, transitional justice, and human rights in Africa. Rejoice serves on the African Peace & Reconciliation Commission of the institute.
Emmanuel Akpabio, Ph.D
Dr. Akpabio is a human geographer, with a social science background. He has been, for the past 20 years, involved in several funded researches on integrated water resources management (IWRM), indigenous water resources management, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) with deeper insight on cultural and science-policy-society perspectives. One of his publications titled ‘Water meanings, Sanitation practices and Hygiene behaviours in the Cultural mirror: a perspective from Nigeria’ was awarded the Water Institute (North Carolina, USA) Prize in 2012. He was an EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Dundee, UK, (2018-2020), and also served as a visiting scientist to the ‘Scottish Government Water Industry Team’ at Edinburgh. Her was a Director in the Board of the International Water Resources Association- IWRA- (2013-2015), and was one of the International Scientific Steering Committee members for the XVth World Water Congress held at Edinburgh, UK (2015). He is currently the International Associate, UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science, University of Dundee, United Kingdom. For more: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6105-1782.
Rafiu Lawal
Rafiu Adeniran Lawal is a 2022 Mandela Washington Fellow and a passionate Nigerian youth with years of experience working on youth and peace advocacy. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Building Blocks for Peace Foundation, Here, he oversees and coordinates the overall conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities of the organization and supports the design and development of programs, projects, annual action plans, training programs, stakeholder engagement strategies, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the organization and also serves as an interface between the organization and relevant stakeholders. His work, ‘Connecting and Amplifying Voices of Youth Building Peace in Nigeria’ is a documentary of the roles and contributions of youth to peace in Nigeria and particularly how they are putting United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 into practice in Nigeria. Rafiu is the West Africa Regional Coordinator, United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY). Email: lawalrafiu88@gmail.com
Ibrahim Suberu, Ph.D
Dr. Suberu Ibrahim is a young vibrant Islamic Scholar. He bagged B.A., M.A. and PhD in Religious and Cultural Studies (with Specialty in Islamic Studies). He is a lecturer in the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, University of Port Harcourt. He has published numerous works and presented research papers at different local and international seminars and conferences. His research interests are majorly on religious fundamentalism, extremism, dialogue and peace building for sustainable development. In 2019, he participated in the International ILEM Summer School, Istanbul, Turkey as well as the maiden Winter School of Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha Institutes, Qatar in 2020. He was also involved in the 2020 Summit for Peace and Prosperity in Asia, Pakistan. He participated in “the Capacity and community building” training held in the Republic of Serbia, 2021. He is an International Fellow of KAICIID (The King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Vienna, Austria). He is a Rotary Peace Fellow, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Dr Suberu is an accomplished peace advocate. He was awarded an Icon of Peace by BCS 2022. Email: ibrahim.suberu@uniport.edu.ng
Paul E. Mdumi
Dr. Paul Mdumi is a Peace Ambassador of the Institute of Economics and Peace, an institution that aims to create a paradigm shift in how the world thinks about peace and uses data-driven research to show that peace is a positive, tangible, and achievable measure of human well-being and development. He is the Executive Director of Zanzibar Interfaith Centre in Tanzania; as well as a KAICIID Dialogue Fellow. Nationality: Tanzanian; Religion: Christianity; Email: paul@zanzic.or.tz; or paul.mdumi@gmail.com
Martin K. Tanui, Ph.D
Rev. Fr. Martin K. Tanui is a Roman Catholic priest of the Catholic Diocese of Kitale, Kenya. He also teaches Religion/Religious Studies at the University of Eldoret, Kenya, where he also hails from. Email: tanuimartin@yahoo.com
Lyka Mtambo
Lyka Mtambo is a practicing lawyer and a peacebuilding practitioner in Malawi. She has over six years of litigation experience and four years as a peacebuilding practitioner. She is currently studying Master of Arts in International Peacebuilding. She has worked on women’s rights, child rights , education rights, religious rights , employment rights , interfaith dialogue and social cohesion. Lyka also volunteers for non profit organizations that advance religious rights, women’s rights and child rights . Through her involvements with these organizations she has worked on prevention of gender based violence, electoral observation and prevention of electoral violence, conducted legal clinics and facilitated dialogues in Malawi.
Bishop Albert Chikuni, Ph.D
Bishop Dr. Albert Chikuni is a Zimbabwean religious leader of repute. He was appointed as a Board member in the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Steering Committee of Zimbabwe. He also serves the Country as as the Executive Chairman, Interreligious Association for Peace and Development of Zimbabwe. Bishop Chikuni’s leadership role of bringing people together and forging national cohesion in Zimbabwe was recognized by the Universal Peace Federation, and he was honored with the title of Ambassador for Peace.
Reverend Willy Banza
Willy Banza, Congolese, is a Reverend Minister at the United Methodist Church, Kansas, United States of America since 2015. He serves as one of the leaders of Great Plains Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, USA. Willy obtained his Bachelor of Divinity degree at Africa University, Mutare, Zimbabwe; Masters in Theology (Systematic Theology) at Stellenbosch University, Cape Town-South Africa; and Masters in Theological Study (Mission Studies) at the Southern Methodist University, Perkins School of Theology- Dallas-Texas. Before coming to America, he had served as a minister in the DR Congo for 7 years in the United Methodist Church-North Katanga Episcopal Area. Reverend Willy is a major in Intercultural Theology and Mission Studies. He has joined the Institute to serve in the Commission on African Peace and Reconciliation, as well as the Commission on African Society, Business, Art, and Culture.
Mary A. Nyangweso, PhD.
PhD in Sociology of Religion at Drew University (USA); Professor at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Karolina; Dr. Nyangweso specializes in African religions, Islam, Religion and sexuality and gender rights. She examines socio-cultural determinants of gender-based violence and other issues from African, Christianity and Islamic perspectives. Nationality: Kenyan; Email: wangilam@ecu.edu
Seth Kinzie
Seth Kinzie is a Rotary Peace Fellow at Makerere University, Uganda and piano composer from Oregon, USA. He comes from an inter-religious family, which includes Buddhists, Jews, and Anabaptist Christians, who taught him the value of harmony and love from a young age. He attended the Parliament for the World’s Religions in Barcelona at the age of 16, and it sparked his desire to work towards friendship with different faiths. His passion has allowed him to work with humanitarian organizations in Pakistan, Nigeria, Cameroon, Austria, and Uganda, with Monks Without Borders and Peace Ambassadors Pakistan. He is the founder of the African Peacemaking Database. The Database explores how people practice peace at a daily level and is currently working in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Malawi. Seth is the Director of the Peace & Reconciliation commission of the institute. Email: peace@africadialogue.org.
Itoro Moses Ikoh, PhD
Itoro Moses Ikoh, PhD is a native of Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Uyo. She holds a BSc Degree in Accounting from University of Calabar; MSc. in Finance, and PhD in Educational Administration and Planning (Finance Option) University of Uyo. She is presently pursuing a second PhD in Finance at the University of Calabar. Dr. Itoro is a distinguished public servant, a professional in corporate finance, investment and risk management, as well as a leader and teacher with many years of experience. She has provided accounting services and financial audit to many private and public corporations, including the Cross River State Water Corporation and University of Uyo Women Association (UWA). She has served as the Board Chairman of Pride of Womanhood Initiative (POWEI), and the first female Chairman of Parent Teacher Association of Federal Government College, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria. Dr. Itoro is a good team player.
Iniobong Courage Ndah, PhD
Iniobong Ndah is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, where she has taught communication and media studies since 2012. As a scholar who has garnered practical expertise from both the print (The Sensor Newspaper) and broadcast media (The Nigerian Television Authority, NTA) respectively, Dr. Nda has been able to integrate her field experience with the classroom demands for effective and efficient teaching of mass communication and has published her researches in several national and international journals including contributing chapters to books. She has a deep passion for gaining and sharing knowledge hence her widespread coverage. Dr. Nda holds active membership of the African Council of Communication Education, (ACCE) and Nigerian Institute of Management, (NIM). Her research interests are in Corporate and Organizational Communication, Health Communication, and Development Communication.
Emmanuel J Zwanbin, Ph.D
Dr. Emmanuel Zwanbin is a policy researcher and political analyst. He has a PhD in International Relations, Msc in Conflict Management and Peace Studies and a BA in History. He has taught in higher institution in Nigeria and Kenya for more than 9 years; and presently at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University, Kenya. Dr. Zwanbin is passionate about African continental integration, peace and development. He joins our community to contribute to knowledge building and public policy action in Africa.
Loosa Ilele Heritier
Loosa Ilele Heritier is a Lawyer at Appeal Court of Kinshasa/Matete, Democratic Republic of Congo. His is the Chief Executive Officer of seven societies based in Kinshasa, DRC; As well as the Administrator of Groupe CIDE RDC (www.cide-rdc.org). Loosa is a young professional who passionate about leadership and community development; and he is glad to join the Institute.
Kyik Sunday Ekpenyong
Kuyik Ekpenyong is a specialist in Ibibio Traditional Religion. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religious and Cultural Studies from the University of Uyo, Nigeria and is currently on his Master of Arts studies in African Traditional Religion at the same University. He is the Leader, Students for the Promotion of African Traditional Religious Values. He is a proponent of a peaceful world where people relate and meet at social and organizational spheres devoid of conflict. He has spent greater part of his post-National Service period acquiring skills in Interreligious dialogue, peacebuilding and conflict management as a volunteer Management Board Member/Leader of Students for the Promotion of African Traditional Religious Values of the ReligionNext Foundation for Youth and Peacebuilding. Kuyik has great interest in African culture and religious values. He is in search for more credible platforms or institutions in need of his skills for mutual growth.
Linus Egwu Ele
Linus Egwu Ele, a member of Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM), and hails from Afikpo North Local Government of Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. He holds both B.Sc and M.Sc in Banking & Finance from Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He is a Lecturer / Researcher at the Department of Banking & Finance, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Before joining academics, he worked and garnered a wide range of experience at Nigerian Television Authority as an Accountant / Auditor and rose to the rank of Principal Accountant before his voluntary resignation because of his unquenchable interest and penchant in academics. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D in Corporate and Public Finance at Ebonyi State University. His research interests include: Investment/ Portfolio Management,, Corporate Finance, Bank Management, Corporate Governance, Financial Management, Insurance & Risk Management etc. Linus, has a good team spirit as well as sound leadership skills and he is always ready to accept responsibilities. He joins our Commission on African Peace and Reconciliation, as well as Commission on African Youth Capacity and Development.
Godfrey Ikahu Kariuki
Godfrey Ikahu Kariuki is an early social researcher, artist, human rights defender, and graduate with a Master of Arts in Literature from the University of Nairobi. He is a firm believer in dialogue, equality, Ubuntu philosophy, and collaborative sharing of knowledge. His interests lie in literature and education, women and gender., youth empowerment, human rights, economic empowerment, and social cohesion, art, creativity, and business empowerment to mention a few. |
Agatha Nyesiga
Agatha Nyesiga – Uganda – Founder of Motion Youth Hub, empowering youth through sports and art in Kampala slums. She volunteered in many organizations and experienced the struggles that young people, particularly women and children, face, inspiring her to tear through barriers. She is a final-year university student at Makerere University who is enthusiastic about women emancipation. Agatha is a member of the Commission on African Women and Gender, and the Commission on African Youth Capacity and Development of this Institute.
Wendy Benaiah
Wendy Benaiah is a postgraduate student of Religious Studies at the prestigious University of Ibadan. Her research encompasses topics within the sociology of religion, with a focus on theories and method. She has passion for advanced research in Religion, to enable her proffer lasting solutions to the socio-religious problems confronting Nigerian society. Wendy received her BA in Religious Studies (First Class Honors) at the University of Ibadan, where she was awarded the alumni merit scholarship in 2016 as well as the best graduating student of comparative religion in the year 2019. She is always eager to share her views on gender and religion and looks forward to doctoral studies in religion. Contact: wendychinonye@gmail.com
Ann Satterfield
Ann Satterfield is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Spiritual Direction at General Theological Seminary in New York City. The focus of her thesis is the investigation of the 4th century definition of the Christian faith against other groups that did not understand Jesus Christ to be both human and divine. Prior to this endeavor, Ann trained as an interfaith hospital chaplain, and her Masters degree is a natural outgrowth of that work. For fifteen years Ann worked in business administration in two different companies with an international focus. Her first Masters degree is in Fine Art, during which time she taught Contemporary Issues in Art History. During her time at seminary she met and developed friendships with two different people of African origin, one from Kenya and one from Rwanda. The two Africans inspired and furthered her interest in African people and nations. The work of Jeffrey Sachs has also contributed to her formation and development.
Goodnews S. Akpan
Goodnews Sunday Akpan is a graduate of Religion and Culture, Dialogue Resource Person at Centre for Deep Dialogue and Critical Thinking, University of Uyo, Fellow, Head of Secretariat & Secretary, Board of Trustees, ReligionNext Foundation for Youth and Peacebuilding. He has a strong passion for bridging the knowledge deficit among the youth population in Nigeria through the honest and balanced teaching of religious studies to stem the tide of religious violence and tensions in Nigeria. He is open to learning new ideas, skills and values that will deepen his knowledge base and build his capacity for Peacebuilding in Nigeria, Africa, and the World.
Vivien Ebere Abara
Vivien Abara, Nigerian, is a woman human rights defender and the Executive Director of Peace Advancement Action Against Violence And Rape Foundation (PAAAVARF). This NGO is a women-led grassroot organization that works to promote peace, respect and dignity of women, girls, children and people with disabilities, as well as defend their human rights and equality in society. Vivien specializes in investigation, intervention and rescue of survivors of Gender Based Violence. As an expert in child protection, Vivien is the Plateau State Coordinator for Network Against Child Trafficking, Abuse And Labour, a National network of organizations in partnership with National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP that provides justice, psychosocial support, shelter and safe spaces for survivors of GBV and the rights of abused children. Vivien is a Rotarian and also a member of Open Government Partnership on Gender Equal Opportunities with focus on gender equality. She is a recipient of the Gender Advocate award from the Public Health Initiative APIN and also a Rock International Film Festival and JOFIN for her immense contribution to human rights defense and advocacy. She has also distinguished herself in the field of education on self esteem and early childhood education. She has a Diploma in Teaching English As a Foreign Language, Bachelor of Arts Degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, post graduate degree in education and several professional trainings.